Case Study
The Good Dog Foundation
Custom Trading Cards (CTC) by Creative Instinct developed a trading card program for The Good Dog Foundation. The therapy dog organization educates and informs the public of the benefits and possibilities of animal assisted therapy. The first step of the process included designing a custom branded trading card template that incorporated The Good Dog Foundation's logo and color scheme. |
The Good Dog Foundation promoted the trading card program with their newsletter to all of their volunteers. The volunteers were directed to a customized page on the website that contained an online order form and directions on how to place a trading card order. |
After the volunteers filled out the form, upload their photos, they are directed to Google Checkout where they pay by credit card. Within 24 hours, the volunteer receives a full color PDF proof that they either approve or make revisions to via an email or fax confirmation. After final approval, the trading card order goes into production and the cards are delivered in approximately 7 business days. Some volunteers upgraded to our expedited services so they can hand out the promotional trading cards for an event that upcoming weekend. |
Final Product
A portion of each order goes back to The Good Dog Foundation to
support the great benefits their loving dogs and handlers provide
to various programs including at healthcare facilities, community
programs for adults and children, and disaster relief. |